Requirements for Service
- 1. National Identity Card
- 2. Proof of income
- 3. Identity card of next of kin and contact details
- 4. An older person should be in good health at admission
- 5. An applicant should present a doctor’s certificate stating that he/she is in good physical and mental health.
Other Skills/Traits
- 1. Application for admission must be done on a prescribed application form.
- 2. At admission, an older person is required to provide his identity – and pension card documents or income statement as proof.
Place: Katutura Old Age Home
Older persons are to meet the following criteria:
1. Namibian citizens
2. 60 years and older
3. Only income is the Government grant.
An older person will be admitted in the Home after she/he is found in need of shelter by the Social Worker at the Ministry of Health and Social Services and City of Windhoek.
Contact Number
061 290 3777
Email Address