Requirements for Service
1. Authorisation/ permission from the owner of the premises they wish to trade from.
2. Certified copy of applicant’s ID/passport
• Bookings must be made from Monday to Wednesday only at the Economic Development Division, 1st floor Town house Room 103.
• Permits are issued on Fridays, and can be picked up at the Customer Care Centre.
• Permits are issued on a first come – first served basis depending on the availability and subject to payment of N$57.75 per day.
• Barbequing activities can only take place between 06H00 am – 10H00 pm and further restrictions may also be placed on operating hours for certain sites.
• Barbeque sites are only approved for barbequing activities and no alcohol sales or alternative usage would be allowed at such sites.
Application Form
Contact Number
061 290 3777
Email Address