Why is a Developer required to apply for Quality Monitoring Officials from Council if there is already a Developer’s Engineer appointed to ensure quality?
Although the municipal infrastructures are constructed on behalf of Council, the duty of care of an appointed Developer’s Engineer is to the Developer, and not to Council. Quality Monitoring Officials are therefore required to confirm compliance to specifications and ensure quality of infrastructures.
Is a Developer allowed to amend standard clauses within a standard MoA?
The General Conditions of Contract defined in a standard MoA are based on FIDIC Yellow Book and may not be amended, except for project specifications.
Why should a Developer submit a Performance Security/Guarantee to Council on a project when a Contractor has already issued one to the Developer?
A Performance Guarantee issued in a Construction Contract signed between a Contractor and Developer only guarantees performance to a Developer since Council is not a Party to the Construction Contract.
When is it applicable for a Developer to issue a Performance Security/Guarantee to Council?
The issuance of a 15% Performance Guarantee is applicable on all construction projects undertaken on Council’s own land.The issuance of a Performance Security at a specified amount is applicable when a Developer requests Council for a conditional taking-over of municipal infrastructure while reconstructing/remedying major outstanding works.
Why should a Developer sign an agreement with Council prior to construction of municipal infrastructure?
All municipal infrastructure being constructed on behalf of Council need to be constructed, monitored and taken over in terms of conditions defined in an Agreement signed between a Developer and the Council.
What do I need for Betterment and Endowment Fee Estimates?
For Betterment Fee estimates:
Provide the erf number, current zoning and proposed zoning to Valuation Counter at Customer Care Centre or provided contact details of Customer Contact Centre 061 290 2320/2012
For Endowment Fee estimates:
Provide the subdivision certificate and approved survey general diagrams to Valuation Counter at Customer Care Centre or provided contact details of Customer Contact Centre 061 290 2320/2012
For Any other Valuation Purposes:
Provide the erf number, current zoning and purpose of valuation to Valuation Counter at Customer Care Centre or provided contact details of Customer Contact Centre 061 290 2320/2012