Where can I intern my loved ones ash?
The ash interments can be made at City of Windhoek Columbarium at a cost.
Why must people pay grave reservations and for how long?
As much as the Division is not a profit-making enterprise, the utility and services provided must be financially accounted for, and payments must be made as a personal choice. Payments are made on an annual basis until the grave is used.
Why does it take Council long to clear the sidewalks full of weeds during the rainy season?
With every rainfall the environmental aspects are appreciated, the weeding only happens after the rainy season due to repeated efforts and cost savings.
Why are the swimming pools open if there are no Lifeguards?
Our mandate is to save lives, protect property and preserve the environment from becoming life hazardous. Having a lifeguard at swimming pools is a standard protection measure. Hence, there can be no swimming without the supervision of a Lifeguard.
Are the sports stadium used for free?
No, a fee is payable to use the sports stadiums. Bookings should be made to use all of Council’s sports facilities. To reserve the venues, payments must be made within three working days. Tariff prices can be found on the tariffs list.
My neighbour is causing a public health nuisance, what can I do?
Contact the Health & Environment Services Division to lodge a complaint. All complaints are treated as anonymous. Kindly provide details of the complaint, the physical address & contact details.
If food has been spoiled in my shop, how do I go about condemnation?
Contact the Food Safety Section. An assessment will be done of the goods to be condemned. You will be provided with a date & time at which the goods should be transported to the Kupferberg Solid Waste Landfill Site. Kindly provide a municipal account number as reference.
The Environmental Health Practitioner will issue you with a condemnation certificate once the process is completed.
Who can I contact if I have a pest problem?
You can contact our Pest Control Team who will assist you with an assessment & a quotation, prior to providing pest control services. Alternatively, you may contact our Duty Office at 061 290 2594 to log a pest control complaint.
What should I do if I contract food poisoning after consuming food purchased at a food outlet?
See your GP & obtain a Dr’s certificate stating that food poisoning has been diagnosed.
Lodge a complaint with the Health & Environment Services Division and if possible, provide a sample in the original packaging to the Environmental Health Practitioner.
Do you provide training?
Primarily, the division provides health education sessions on various topics, e.g. food safety, health & hygiene, health & safety, pest control.
How long does it take for a Fitness Certificate to be issued?
10 working days
What are the requirements for my specific nature of business?
Pamphlet of minimum requirements per nature of business under “Resources” or “Fitness Certificates”
What is an Environment Impact Assessment study?
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of identifying, predicting and evaluating:
a) the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse.
b) the risks and consequences of activities and their alternatives and options for mitigation with a view to minimise the effects of activities on the environment and to maximise the benefits and to promote compliance with the principles set out in section
What does ‘Environment’ mean?
“Environment” means the complex of natural and anthropogenic factors and elements that are mutually interrelated and affect the ecological equilibrium and the quality of life, including.
(a) the natural environment that is the land, water and air, all organic and inorganic material and all living organisms; and
(b) the human environment that is the landscape and natural, cultural, historical, aesthetic, economic and social heritage and values.
How does the Council protect the Environment?
To protect the environment, Council ensures that operators within the Windhoek Municipal boundaries implement the EMPs by undertaking Environment Audits.
What is the role of the Council in the issuance of the Environment Clearance Certificate?
The Windhoek Municipal Council is responsible for the review of all Environment Impact Assessment Studies as per the Environment Management Act.
Does one pay for a Sound Broadcasting Permit?
Yes, the Sound Broadcasting Permit is paid for before issuance and the annual tariff is gazetted together with other Municipal Tariffs. Currently, the Permit costs N$172.50.
Does the Windhoek Municipality issue Environmental Clearance Certificates?
The City does not issue Environmental Clearance Certificates. However, the Environmental Commissioner has delegated the City to manage certain rezoning activities, closure of streets and purchasing of 10m public open spaces. In these instances, applicants are issued with Environmental Clearance Exemption Letters that are free of charge.
What should I do if I am not connected to the municipal sewer?
If you would like to build your house/estate within the city’s jurisdiction but are not connected to the municipal sewer, submit your septic tank, conservancy tank or wastewater treatment plant drawings and designs to Engineering Services with your house plans for approval. For existing buildings, contact Engineering Services to have your designs assessed.
What should I do if I see running water but do not know the source?
Contact Salatiel Kalimbo at 061 290 2903 or email at Salatiel.Kalimbo@windhoekcc.org.na or Erastus Ekandjo at 061 290 3787 or email at Erastus.Ekandjo@windhoekcc.org.na.
What should I do if I have an overflowing manhole?
For all sewer pipeline burst queries and complaints, contact the Enquiry office at 0612902402.
What constitutes as medical or hazardous waste?
Hazardous Waste refers to:
1. any waste containing, or contaminated by, poison; any corrosive agent;
2. any flammable substance having an open flash-point of less than 90 degrees Celsius;
3. an explosive or radioactive material and substance;
4. any chemical or any other waste that has the potential even in low concentrations to have a significant adverse effect on public health or the environment because of its inherent toxicological,
5. chemical, ignitable, corrosive, carcinogenic, injurious and physical characteristics; any waste consisting of a liquid, sludge or solid substance, resulting from any manufacturing process or industrial treatment
Where can I service my fire equipment (extinguisher) or where can I buy it?
You can buy a fire extinguisher at any authorised service provider.
The servicing of the fire extinguisher is the mandate of the fire brigade; however the service evaluates and certifies individuals and companies to carry out this task.
Why must people pay for fire EDRM services?
As much as the services offered by the division is not a profit making business, the utility and services rendered must be financially accounted for.
Am I responsible for payment if I call the service for my neighbour or someone I do not know?
No. The person responsible for payment is the one where services is rendered to or the guardian in cases involving minors.
Why must I call the fire brigade if I already extinguished the fire myself?
The mandate to save lives, protect property and preserving the environment from fires is conferred to the local authority serving that jurisdiction. Other stakeholders would require for the expert opinion of a fire service to register this incident if one seeks any type of help.
Is the fire brigade service free?
The fire brigade or emergency services offer a variety of services of which some are humanitarian and educational. Educational services are free when they fall within the division’s annual awareness program.
All fire, rescue, ambulance and special services are not offered free of charge; however payment can be made after the service is offered.
What is the City’s message to the public on illegal trading?
Well, most of the operators (vendors) selling along the streets and outside existing markets have not been registered with the City of Windhoek, and as such their activities are considered to be illegal. Intensive daily operations are done with the City Police By-laws Unit to deal with this as such operations are endangering the lives of the people who operate illegally on road reserves.
The concerned vendors are therefore urged to rather visit the municipal offices in order to apply for permission where feasible. Due consideration will be given to factors such as zoning of the site, available spaces at the existing markets, safety aspects of the proposed site etc before a person would be permitted to trade.
If the concerned vendors express their needs to operate, this gesture would also assist the City to have a clear understanding of the number of people we are dealing with and who needs consideration. It will assist when planning for the development and or upgrading or markets.
Is the City of Windhoek making provisions to accommodate traders?
The City of Windhoek has made provision for a total of 18 open markets and due to the increasing need for premises to trade from has allocated unimproved trading sites on a temporary basis that enables the City of Windhoek to regulate trading activities and maintain acceptable hygiene and safety standards.
There are many trading activities conducted from open sites such as craft markets; food carts stands, barbeque sites. The creation of open markets and temporary sites has proven to be a viable project and the residents of our city have accepted the importance of markets in stimulating the economy.
Is there a fee given to anyone caught trading illegally?
A person who contravenes any provision of the Business Registration Regulations commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding N$ 2,000.00 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 6 months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
What is the monthly fee that traders have to pay to the City of Windhoek?
The monthly rentals fees differ depending on the sizes of the stands and stalls occupied. Fees are adjusted on an annual basis in line with the budget process of the City of Windhoek.
Do you offer grants or loans to MSME’s?
No, the Centre does not offer grants or loans to MSME’s but we can refer the enquirer to the right stakeholders.
Where do SMEs get information, if they want to buy land?
All enquiries regarding land may be directed through the Customer Care Centre of the City of Windhoek.
Is there vacant land available for SMEs?
An entrepreneur may follow the procedures to apply to lease land or may participate in any of the initiatives that the Council offers through the Property Management Division in terms of access to land.
What are the official operating hours for the office and businesses at the Bokamoso Entrepreneurial Centre?
The office operating hours are from Monday to Friday from 07h30 until 16h30. On weekdays and weekends the incubatees may trade from 06H00 until 22h00.
Does the Bokamoso Centre offer IT services to the public?
The Centre offers IT services to the tenants only.
How many stalls are at the Bokamoso center?
There are currently 43 stalls at the centre.
Is the Bokamoso Entrepreneurial Centre part of the City of Windhoek?
The City of Windhoek is the founder of the Bokamoso Entrepreneurial Centre; and the Centre is governed by an independent body that is called the Bokamoso Entrepreneurial Centre Board of Trustees.
How long is the incubation contract at the Bokamoso Entrepreneurial Centre and can it be extended?
The incubation contract runs for 3 years any request for extension look at extenuation factors.
How do I get to the Bokamoso Entrepreneurial Centre?
The Bokamoso Entrepreneurial Centre is located along Hans Dietrich Genschner Street.
What services do you offer to SMEs at the Bokamoso Entrepreneurial Centre?
The Centre provides prospective incubatees access to adequate and affordable infrastructure and operational space, at a subsidized rate. Furthermore, incubatees are admitted to capacity-building programmes which include mentorship, consultative meetings, training and marketing opportunities. Additionally, prospective incubatees have backup support from our Centre’s administrative support services, access to IT services, a boardroom for meetings with clients and a Resource Centre.
What type of businesses do you encourage to apply at Bokamoso Entrepreneurial Centre?
We encourage growth-oriented businesses to apply. The entrepreneurs must be full-time involved in the business operations. The clusters we do consider include; Arts and craft, Innovation, IT, Manufacturing, Fashion Design, Tourism, Joinery, Upholstery, Printing and Distribution.
What if a tenant cannot pay the rental fees of the stall, can I sub-lease?
Sub-leasing is not allowed. There are options available to make payment arrangements. In the event that it becomes unaffordable, the lease will be terminated however the occupant will be held liable for the payment of the debt.
Is water and electricity inclusive of the rental fees?
Water is currently subsidized, while all stalls have prepaid electricity meters. Every tenant is responsible for buying their electricity units.
What documentation is to be attached to the application form for a stall?
The following documents are crucial and need to be submitted when applying for an industrial stall:
1. Founding Statement (Business Registration)
2. Business plan / Business Proposal
3. Six months projected cash flow statement
4. Social Security Certificate
5. Income/VAT Certificate
6. SME Certificate
7. Certified ID copies of business owners
8. Brochures /Pamphlets/Photos of products or service offering
Do you keep a waiting list when a stall becomes vacant?
We only keep a waiting list of successful interviewed applicants. The waiting list remains valid for 12 months.
Do you notify unsuccessful applicants?
Yes, unsuccessful candidates are notified via email.
How long does the selection and admission process for vacant stalls take once applications have been received?
The entire process from advertisement to admission into the stall takes two months.
How many stalls have three-phase electricity?
All 12 stalls at the new extension have three phase Electricity. The older extension in the A Block, has five stalls (A19, A4, A5, A6 & A17) that have three-phase electricity. The B Block has four stalls (B4, B5, B6 & B11) that have three-phase electricity.
How often and how many stalls do you advertise in a year?
It depends on the availability of vacant stalls.
What does the Application Procedures for an industrial stall entail?
All vacant stalls are advertised. An advert is placed in the local newspapers to advertise our products offering to prospective applicants. All applicants may apply for only one vacant stall by collecting and completing the standard application form of the Centre.
The application form must be completed in full and it requires supporting documentation that must be handed in.
The detailed application must be handed in to the support staff based at the Centre, on or before the closing date.
No late applications will be accepted after the cut-off date and time.
Once the applications close, a list of all the applications received are compiled. Thereafter a committee reviews the applications and draws up a pre-shortlist of applicants who meet the criteria. Upon approval of the short-listed applicants, the latter are contacted for an interview.
Interviews are conducted to afford the applicant the opportunity to convince the interview panel why the applicant should be considered for admission to the Centre. Upon conclusion of the interviews, successful applicants are recommended for approval.
Once approval is obtained all successful applicants are issued with an offer that they must accept. Once they accept the offer in writing, they are issued with invoices to pay the first month’s rent and the refundable breakage deposit. Once proof of payment is received the successful applicant signs a contract authorization form, to activate an account number as well as the three-year lease agreement. Thereafter the successful applicant is accompanied by the Officer Bokamoso Entrepreneurial Centre to inspect the assigned stall and sign off an inspection sheet that highlights the condition in which the stall was taken occupation off.
What are the monthly rental fees and the sizes of the industrial stalls?
Rental fees vary and are charged per square meter. Additionally, the size of the stalls also varies, with the smallest being 29.8 m² and the largest being 122 m².
Are there any vacant Industrial stalls?
All vacant stalls are advertised in local print (and social) media.
Are billboards allowed in residential areas?
No, the residential area is an area of maximum control; thus no billboards are allowed.
Is it mandatory that all estate agents are registered with CoW and pay an annual licence fee?
No, only an Estate Agent who wishes to market his/her business by displaying temporary signs to advertise an erf, premises, development or any other form of real estate, be it “for sale”, “to let”, “sold” or “on show”, etc., that the Estate Agent (individual agent not agency) must apply to Council before 31 January of each year for an Estate Agents’ Boards annual license.
How long does Council need to process a booking application?
Booking applications take up to seven (7) working days.
How long does the processing of a license and lease application take?
A license and lease applications take 1-3 months and booking applications take 7 working days.
Where can one obtain information on Outdoor Advertising fees/tariffs?
Council determines all fees/tariffs annually for the period 1 July to 30 June and these are published in the Government Gazette which is a public document and can be requested from the Outdoor Advertising Unit on OutdoorAdvertising@windhoekcc.org.na or accessed on the City of Windhoek website.
What documents need to be attached to the application form for outdoor advertising?
When a billboard application is submitted it must be accompanied by the following documents with the minimum criteria and requirements, as stated below. For Posters, Trailers and Banners request the application form at OutdoorAdvertising@windhoekcc.org.na
And for temporary signs, Council will specify the needed documentation, per application:
A locality plan and site plan of the site, including the relevant Erf Number and contours (1meter), on which the advertising sign or advertising structure is to be erected or displayed, drawn to scale showing every building on the site, the position of any Council water, sewerage, stormwater drainage, electricity installation, or any other installation situated on the site, and the position with dimensions of the advertising sign or advertising structure in relation to the boundaries of the site;
A clear drawing sufficient to enable the Council to consider the appearance of the advertising sign or advertising structure and all relevant construction detail, and elevations and sections to a scale of 1:100;
A structural engineer, professionally registered in terms of the Engineering Profession Act, 1986 (Act 18 of 1986), must take full written responsibility for all structural work contemplated by the applicant, and a certificate from such an engineer must be submitted with the application;
• A full description of the materials and finishes to be employed must be provided on the structure plan, approved by a structural engineer, with elevations and sections;
• An artist’s impression of the final product in its setting (i.e. a photo of the site with a superimposed structure on it – as close as possible to the correct scale and size of the sign);
• An approved Surveyor General (SG) diagram of the site or a copy of the general plan.
• Certified proof of the land-use rights in terms of the relevant Town Planning Scheme as amended from time to time.
• GPS point of the exact location of the structure, if needed.
• A power of attorney and signed agreement/letter by the owner of the land on which the sign is to be erected or displayed or by his agent authorised in writing by such owner
What is the application fee for outdoor advertising?
• It costs N$ 814.86 (VAT included) for structures less than 40m²
• It costs N$ 966.00 (VAT included) for structures between 40m² to 81m²
• It costs N$1 509.90 (Vat included) for structures 81 m² and larger
• Trailer costs N$ 71.40 (VAT included) Per day
• Poster costs N$ 6.04 (VAT included) per poster & per day
• Banner costs N$ 423.15 (VAT included) for 14 days
• Estate agent costs N$ 4226.25 (VAT included) per year
Where can one obtain information about investment promotion?
For further information and assistance, please contact us via email at invest@windhoekcc.org.na or submit your question using our online investor contact form.
Will the City of Windhoek help me find business partners in Windhoek/Namibia?
Yes, the City of Windhoek through its referral system will help you free of charge in this regard.
How long does it take to process the Fitness Certificate application?
The application of the Fitness Certificate will be processed within two (2) weeks starting from the date of submission.
How do I register a business in Windhoek?
In Namibia, business registration is carried out by the Business & Intellectual Property Agency (BIPA) which is a government entity. Their website https://www.bipa.na/ provides general information about the costs, timing and basic guidelines for company registration. It is a legal requirement that all businesses in Namibia are registered with BIPA.
Once a business is legally registered with BIPA and has premises, there is a legal requirement to apply for a certificate of fitness from the City of Windhoek. A certificate of fitness (COF) is a document that certifies that the premises being occupied/used by a business is fit for human occupancy. The fitness certificate is only valid for one business and is renewable annually.
What kind of services does the City of Windhoek offer to help residents set up businesses in Windhoek?
The Investment Promotion and Liaison Unit works with both local and international entrepreneurs and multinationals that are planning to set up or expand their existing business in Windhoek. The Unit offers referral services to support companies, from the business planning stage, right through to the launch and expansion of an enterprise. A list of services offered can be found under the Portal of IP.