Requirements for Service
- 1. Hand over to your electrical contractor a copy of your latest fully paid services (municipal) account.
List of Steps
- 1. Download Application
- 2. Contractors are requested to use the online forms attached and e-mail (upload) it back after completing it with their clients.
- 3. Submit completed application form with site plan online (upload)
- 4. Receive Tax Invoice via email
- 5. Payment (cash/EFT) Send proof of payment (email)
City of Windhoek is licensed to distribute electricity in the Municipal area. If you are in a City-supplied area and want to apply for an electricity connection, please see the process outlined below. An application for “Supply of Electricity will be completed on your behalf by your electrical contractor. (The application form must be signed by client and electrical contractor of your choice).
* Only application received from an approved City of Windhoek Electrical Contractors will be processed.
Contact Number
061 290 3777
Email Address